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Build better Routines #2: The Optimal Environment



In the quest for self-improvement, we often focus on individual willpower and discipline as the keys to success. However, what if I told you that your environment plays a crucial role in shaping your Routines and behaviors? In this article, we'll explore why your environment matters when building new Routines, the concept of cues, how to set up your environment for success, and how to implement these strategies using Svayy, your trusted Routine-tracking tool.

Why Your Environment Matters When Building New Routines

Have you ever found yourself making impulsive purchases at the mall or supermarket, despite your best intentions? This phenomenon illustrates the powerful influence that our environment can have on our behavior. Our surroundings shape our actions, often without us even realizing it. The layout of a store, the placement of products, and even the lighting can all subtly influence our decisions. By strategically manipulating our environment, we can leverage this influence to our advantage when it comes to Routine formation.

The Role of Cues

Cues are subconscious triggers for certain behaviors or Routines. They can be visual, auditory, or even olfactory stimuli that prompt us to take specific actions. For example, placing a scale under the sink can serve as a cue to weigh yourself in the morning. By associating Routines with cues, we can train our brains to recognize and respond to these triggers automatically. This is why setting up cues in your environment can be a powerful strategy for building new Routines.

How to Set Up Your Environment for Success

To maximize the effectiveness of your environment in supporting your Routines, it's essential to make cues for desired behaviors obvious and cues for vices less prominent.

Making Cues Obvious

Identify the cues for your Routines and make them conspicuous in your environment. Research has shown that people are more likely to follow through with a behavior if the cues for that behavior are visible and readily available. For instance, place your supplements next to the coffee machine to ensure you take them every morning. Similarly, position your keys next to the door to prevent forgetting them when leaving the house. By making cues readily accessible, you make it easier for your brain to recognize and initiate the associated Routines.

Making Vices Less Obvious

Conversely, minimize cues for vices in your environment to reduce temptation. Studies have shown that people are less likely to engage in a behavior if the cues for that behavior are hidden or out of sight. Avoid keeping alcohol readily available at home, purchasing it only when needed for special occasions. Additionally, arrange healthy foods in easily accessible areas of the fridge, while relegating unhealthy snacks to less convenient locations. By making vices less visible and accessible, you can mitigate their influence on your behavior.

Implementation Guide with Svayy

Harness the power of Svayy to optimize your environment for Routine formation and success.

  1. Identify Cues for Each Routine: Review your Routine list and identify the cues associated with each behavior. This could be anything from a specific time of day to a particular location or visual cue.
  2. Enhance Cue Visibility: Evaluate if you can make cues more obvious in your environment. For example, if you want to start weighing yourself every morning, consider placing the scale in a prominent location, such as under the sink or next to the shower.
  3. Set Up New Routine Cues: When introducing new Routines, establish cues to trigger their performance automatically. This could involve pairing the new Routine with an existing one or creating a visual reminder in your environment.
  4. Utilize Routine Stacks as Cues: Explore the concept of Routine stacks, where cues for one Routine trigger the initiation of another. For example, in between sets of push-ups, you could incorporate reading a book as a cue.

By integrating these strategies into Svayy, you can create an environment that primes you for success, making Routine formation easier and more sustainable in the long run.


Your environment is a powerful ally in your journey towards building better Routines. By understanding the influence of cues and strategically manipulating your surroundings, you can set yourself up for success in your Routine-building endeavors. With Svayy as your guide, you can leverage these insights to design an environment that fosters positive behaviors and accelerates your progress towards your goals. So, take control of your environment, harness its potential, and watch as your Routines transform for the better.